Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) helps you make more money from the traffic you already have.

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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is not simply about conversions, but more about user behavior. We help you track users’ website journey, analyze what they do and don’t do and get a picture of what makes them act as they do.

What returns can CRO bring you?

  • UX improvements result in a higher conversion rate.
  • Higher conversion rate results in more profit.
  • A better UX results in higher quality score of paid advertising and therefore a lower price of paid traffic.
  • More profit empowers you to invest more in paid traffic and get digital domination.

Conversion Rate Optimization is for you if:

  • You own (or work for) an e-commerce site and you want to increase your sales
  • You have a single landing page but you are not aware of the level of conversion rate
  • You have a website and want to figure out the stage when you lose customers
  • You already have a lot of traffic and you don’t know how to increase your revenue
  • You have more than 1000 transactions/conversions. Testing with less than 1000 transactions per month can take too long for tests to bring significant results
  • You want to learn how to run a successful CRO process from start to finish


A CRO process that delivers results

Data analysis

In order to create the most value for your visitors and customers, we carry out an in-depth website analysis. This analysis enables us to establish a strong foundation for our list of hypotheses on what can be improved. Quantitative research helps us identify where the problems are. It is followed by qualitative research which consists of heuristic analysis, expert analysis, GA and heatmap data analysis. After the research is done, a range of possible solutions is identified.

Building hypotheses

All the data-driven ideas and insights which we have generated from the in-depth analysis are wrapped together into concrete hypotheses. Then these hypotheses are prioritized – this ensures we start with the most promising ones first. In this way, we are able to achieve CRO gains from day one.

Design UI/UX

Before testing, we recommend and work with your IT team alternate UX designs which represents the content of that hypothesis. We will provide the design changes (variations) to improve the user experience. Once all the design mockups are ready, we proceed to the next stage – implementation.

Implementing and testing

We work with your IT team or our IT team to implement UI/UX changes to the website that represent the underlying hypothesis. These changes are then tested against the original UI/UX. We keep testing until more conversions are rolling in!

Analyzing results

We carry out an in-depth result analysis of each test in order to understand the outcome of the test more broadly. This process usually leads to generating new hypotheses that can be tested in later iterations of the CRO process.

CRO techniques

A/B Split Testing

Better website ROI

We believe that effective communication at the beginning of our collaboration enables us to create a “test path” that will provide measurable yet specific goals for revenue, customer loyalty and overall market share increase.

We are oriented on achieving lasting goals through continuous research, ambitious development, rigorous testing and meticulous reporting. Our team of experts will thoroughly analyze the ways in which users are interacting with your website while developing strategies for increasing customer engagement and conversion rate.